Tuesday, June 25, 2013

President of the Philippines
Mr.  Benigno Aquino III

Dear Sir:
       Before anything else I would like to great you a good day.In this case of letter, I would like to inform you that some of the projects of different  Barangays did'nt recognize the projects at the same time some projects are easily broken or destroy.
        In this case of letter whom I wrote for you that all projects must be build up in perfect ways.Some projects like bridges,roads or highways are easily destroy that causes an accident. Being apart of this country 
I'm willing to help in a good ones. As a student  I will started to discipline myself and helping our government like planting trees and cleaning the surroundings. There are many ways to help the government and all the projects will more develop and also it help the government easily to build the projects safetier and conditionable. 
         If ever you can read this letter or message I hope you will exert more effort for rebuilding the broken bridges and roads hopefully you will be a good leader to our country.
                                                                                                               Respectfully your's
                                                                                                               Raffy John Buenavista

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